Os thrashers italianos Bullet-Proof apresentam ‘No Future’

Os thrashers italianos Bullet-Proof apresentam ‘No Future’

Os thrashers italianos Bullet-Proof apresentam ‘No Future’, quarto single do álbum ‘Cell XIX’.

Por: Elizabeth Del Nero          Fonte: Infinity Heavy

Os thrashers italianos Bullet-Proof apresentam seu novo vídeo para seu quarto single: “No Future”, música do recém lançado e bem recebido álbum “Cell XIX”!

Inspirada nos desastres causados pelo homem, como o Pacific Trash Vortex, a letra da música critica fortemente a poluição da terra. O vídeo foi feito por Moviedel Productions.

No vídeo aparece na guitarra Francesco Pinter, que já fez alguns shows no passado.

Francesco Pinter está substituindo Andrea Demasi, fora da banda por motivos pessoais e fará parte do combo também para os próximos shows ao vivo.



We have no future

We’re covered with lies

“The giant changes happening around the globe in the last decades, the climate and weather extremes prove we completely failed to be responsible even if the nature herself keeps on warning us each and every day we should stop polluting her”

We have no future

We’re covered with lies

We’re burning the bridges of hope

Pretending to live in happier place than we ever lived

Telling ourselves lies and none seems to care about who we are

Or ‘bout what we do We would never thought but we stare

Surprised what we have found our is our fault

We used to think that it never could get so far as it did, my friend

But now we have proofs

There’s no sign No slowing down.

The ride is too fast

Engaged in crime

How long shall we breath?

How long shall we last?

We missed the train

There’s no future for us

The climate crisis we face

The governments hide.

It’s ticking time bomb

And it will explode, though we seem not to care it might be too late

To deactivate the mess we create

It’s race we are loosing my friend

Do we still believe this is not the end

And there is still hope we can ever change and take care of what

We have been given: the seas and the air

There’s no sign No slowing down.

The ride is too fast

Engaged in crime

How long shall we breath?

How long shall we last?

We have no future

We’re covered with lies

Bullet-Proof would like to thank to: Francesco Pinter, Maurizio Del Piccolo @ Moviedel Production, Lukas Hupka, Lena Baier, Connie Sciarrone Video made by http://www.moviedel.com


Para saber mais sobre o Pacific Traz Vortex, leia na National Geographic aqui.


Bullet-Proof no mapa da Expedição.

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